Áhugaverðar málstofur á samstarfsráðstefnu H.Í. og Manitoba-háskóla

Athygli er vakin á áhugaverðum málsstofum á samstarfsráðstefnu Háskóla Íslands og Manitobaháskóla sem haldin verður í aðalbyggingu HÍ 28. og 29. ágúst.
Á ráðstefnunni eru m.a. á dagskrá málstofur sem kunna að vekja áhuga sagnfræðinga.
Ráðstefnan fer fram á ensku og er öllum opin.

Hátíðarsalur kl. 13:00-14:30
Session 1: Ecological knowledge, power and politics in Manitoba
Rachel Eni and Gladys Rowe: “Connection to Land and Traditional Ecological
Knowledge as Determinants of Holistic Health and Well Being: Sharing the
Experiences of Cree Women in Northern Manitoba 1939-1964”
Gerald Friesen: “Nature and Culture in the Manitoba Political Tradition”
Jean Friesen: “Race, Power and Timber: Shaping a National landscape for
Manitoba 1815-1875”
Föstudagurinn 29 ágúst
Hátíðarsalur kl. 13:00-14:30
Session 6: Culture and nature
Pam Perkins: “A Land that Freezes and Burns: Romantic-Era British Travellers
in Iceland”
Astrid E.J. Ogilvie: “Northern Narratives: Social and Geographical Accounts
from Norway, Iceland and Canada (NORSAGA): A Project for IPY”
Gabriel Malenfant: “How Do Cultural Links With Nature Disappear? An
Icelandic Example”
Hátíðarsalur kl. 15:00-16:00 
Session 7: Home and Elsewhere
Pétur Knútsson: “Lögheimili sannleikans, the Citizenship of Truth: a
Barfieldian reading of Ari the Wise”
Úlfar Bragason: “The Emigration to the New World: A successful advertising
Dagskrána í heild má finna hér.