Minningarfyrirlestur Jóns Sigurðssonar 9. og 10. nóvember

Sagnfræðistofnun efnir 9. og 10. nóvember til hins árlega Minningarfyrirlestrar Jóns Sigurðssonar (Jón Sigurðsson Memorial Lecture). Gestur að þessu sinni er William Gervase Clarence Smith, prófessor í hagsögu Asíu og Afríku við The School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London. Hann er einn ritstjóra tímaritsins Journal of Global History sem nýlega hóf göngu sína

Sagnfræðistofnun efnir 9. og 10. nóvember til hins árlega Minningarfyrirlestrar Jóns Sigurðssonar
(Jón Sigurðsson Memorial Lecture). Gestur að þessu sinni er William Gervase Clarence
Smith, prófessor í hagsögu Asíu og Afríku við The School of Oriental and
African Studies, University of London. Hann er einn ritstjóra tímaritsins
Journal of Global History sem nýlega hóf göngu sína. Um hann og verk hans,
sjá vefslóðina http://www.soas.ac.uk/staff/staffinfo.cfm?contactid=36
Dagskráin er sem hér segir:
Málstofa föstudaginn 9. nóvember 2007 í Árnagarði 423 kl. 15:30
Researching and writing global history – the example of commodity chains.
What is a commodity chain? Is it something more than the connected path
from which a good travels from producer to consumer? How can one conduct
research on one (or more) commodity chains? Why are they particularly
important for the development of the growing field of global history?
Fyrirlestur laugardaginn 10. nóvember 2007 í Odda 101 kl. 14
The fall and rise of global history
Globalisation is often perceived as a recent phenomenon, and therefore
global hisory is attributed to the field of contemporary history. Many
historians reject that interpretation, and see globalisation as something
that has waxed and waned since the dawn of history. Global history has
existed for millennia, but went through a bad patch due to the rise of
national history in the 19th century. The recent growth of global history
is thus a resurrection rather than a new birth